March, 2022
March 31, 2022, michaelbray Apostasy Cowardice or Buffoonery, Character - or not, Lamentations, Salvation,
Those who love the darkness don’t love it as passionately as those who love the truth. Yes, the wicked are incorrigible and have their minds set upon themselves, but their love lacks the zeal of those who love God and His word. Theirs is a love like that one might have for a dissident step-child […]
March 31, 2022, michaelbray Uncategorized,
All this rah, rah for Ukraine is curious. What if Ohio does not want to abide under SCOTUS decrees which cancel law and justice by allowing for the murder of babies in the womb? May we secede and have the support of those same people who support Russia? (Ohio might start with a decree that frees […]
March 31, 2022, michaelbray Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Apostasy Cowardice or Buffoonery, Character - or not, Poetry, Polytheistic Statism v. Christocracy,
Just say “No!” to the twin sins Of sodomy and abortion! They both drag down the soul Of a nation wandering in the dark As happens with any people who abandon That Law which came down from heaven Through Apostles and Prophets of God! Waken up to that ancient Truth, The Word of God and […]
March 31, 2022, michaelbray Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Citizenship, Civil Disobedience, Liberty, Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Polytheistic Statism v. Christocracy, Sanctity of Human Beings, Wars, Just and Unjust,
All this rah, rah for Ukraine is curious. What if Ohio does not want to abide under SCOTUS decrees (which cancel law and justice allow for the murder of babies in the womb)? May we secede and have the support of those same people who support Russia? (Ohio might start with a decree that frees […]
March 30, 2022, michaelbray Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Character - or not, Citizenship, Lamentations, Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Polytheistic Statism v. Christocracy, Position Papers,
We give Dems too much grace! We fail to call them out as a (morally) completely degraded party. We act as if they are still a legitimate option for whom any citizen may rightfully vote! But the moral truth is that no Democrat may be regarded as a legitimate option. It must be remembered that […]
March 29, 2022, michaelbray Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Character - or not, Ecclesiastical Matters, Good Riddance,
Dear Romanist Brethren. I understand y’all are a holy church and believe that y’all’s members are expected to walk in holiness. Now, I know we all fall into sin now an’ agin, but Ah’m wonderin’ what’s the proper way to handle a high profile kind o’ sinner as Biden is. Ah mean, isn’t there a […]
March 29, 2022, michaelbray Character - or not, Poetry, Position Papers, Salvation, Sanctity of Human Beings,
Death comes once and takes our breath And we sleep easy in that rest. Then comes another day to rise And meet the Judge with open eyes; He calls us forth to give account Of all we did with that fount Of life that coursed our veins, How we handled all our pains, Whom we […]
March 29, 2022, michaelbray Apostasy Cowardice or Buffoonery, Ecclesiastical Matters, Political Ministry of the Churches of God,
Life News reports here as follows: “Joe Biden made it official today. For the second year in a row Biden has proposed a budget that would scrap the Hyde Amendment and force Americas to fund killing babies in abortions with their tax dollars. Biden proposed a federal budget without the Hyde Amendment for the […]
March 29, 2022, michaelbray Apologetics, Citizenship, Ecclesiastical Matters, Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Polytheistic Statism v. Christocracy, Wilmington Ohio,
14 Feb., 2013 Elders of WCC: From time to time I have opined informally in a group or with persons privately on the subject of the flying of the two flags on the street in front of the church building on Locust Street. The subject will arise usually out of a context of discussing the […]
March 28, 2022, michaelbray Apologetics, Character - or not, Family Matters, Political Ministry of the Churches of God,
Let us define “racist” as one who is preoccupied with race and considers all matters of human society and intercourse among people to be colored by race and the attending debates and consternation arising from disorder or restless contention among people of racial distinctions who which to engage one another with race always as a […]