Wilmington News Journal
November 7, 2022, michaelbray Environment/Creation, Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Wilmington News Journal, Wilmington Ohio,
Steve Szeghi An earth-worshiper, a.k.a. an “economics professor” at Wilmington College? He is an advocate of “social justice and the environment.” He is a co-author of Right Relationship: Building a Whole Earth Economy. Wonderful. But for many such folks, an important principle is missing: the Creator of that earth – which he errantly worships in […]
November 4, 2022, michaelbray Poetry, Position Papers, Sanctity of Human Beings, Wilmington News Journal,
Steve Szeghi wants to butcher babies In the name of “Reproductive Freedom”! Even paid for a page in the paper To promote such a wicked caper. Wake up to what you’re talkin’ about! Fancy words give your message no clout! You know they wanted “freedom” to own slaves Back in those dark ante-bellum days, But […]
December 10, 2020, michaelbray Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Position Papers, Wilmington News Journal, Wilmington Ohio,
Ohio Gov. DeWine calls himself “much more skeptical” on the matter of the death penalty than he had been when he voted in favor of it. He gives one criterion – deterrence of crime – as the basis of his support of it. And as this deterrence principle has become doubtful – in his mind […]
November 13, 2018, michaelbray Environment/Creation, Wilmington News Journal,
A reply to a Washington Post article of Nov. 8, 2018 – Original article can be found here: https://www.columbiamissourian.com/opinion/guest_commentaries/editorial-signs-of-returning-to-a-healthy-democracy/article_7c3a686e-e372-11e8-9292-339703993983.html “Signs of Returning to a Healthy Democracy,” from the left-wing Washington Post was featured in the Wilmington News Journal on 13 November. It heralds the return of the House to the Dems rattling off complaints about […]
October 30, 2018, michaelbray Wilmington News Journal,
30 Oct., 2018 “Where have all the children gone?” So pondered Randy Riley (WNJ, 29 Oct., 2018). Randy Riley wants us to “Vote yes on the Children Services Levy.” Hmm. Is there another way to take care of these children other than raising taxes? Take them out of pagan homes and let them be reared […]
June 7, 2018, michaelbray Character - or not, Defending the Defenders, Polytheistic Statism v. Christocracy, Wilmington News Journal,
Freedom! Charlie Craig and Dave Mullins can bake their own cake and have their own blasphemous (sodomitic) wedding? That, in itself, given our historic Christian jurisprudence, would be some wild liberty gone perverse in the Land of the Free! But that wasn’t even the issue. It was much worse. This was the legal issue: may […]
June 4, 2018, michaelbray Sanctity of Human Beings, Wilmington News Journal,
4 June, 2018 (. . . whatever the hell that means.) On the front page of my local paper (Wilmington News Journal, March, 15, 2018) is an article titled “Remembering the Victims” featuring local high school students with a sign marked, “WHS for Positivity.” So, as the popular expression goes, I would ask, “What does […]
March 27, 2018, michaelbray Apologetics, Family Matters, Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Position Papers, Wilmington News Journal,
27 March, 2018 Anno Domini You only live once (on this planet)! – as far as we know – so why not live the way you choose? Why deny someone his choice for opioids? Why campaign against this sacred right? Sounds stupid, but it is not irrational. I don’t understand how a secular society thinks […]
February 27, 2018, michaelbray Apostasy Cowardice or Buffoonery, Family Matters, Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Wilmington News Journal, Wilmington Ohio,
To the Wilmington News Journal Wilmington, Ohio Re: (1 April, 2017) 3 April, 2017 Haters and Losers I think it was the curious title which drew my attention to the editorial: “Anger and Cowardice Fester Hate” (Wilmington News Journal, 1 April, 2017). I am not sure of his meaning, but I infer from the rest […]
August 15, 2017, michaelbray Apostasy Cowardice or Buffoonery, Lamentations, Wilmington News Journal,
http://www.wnewsj.com/news/44224/celebrating-diversity-in-support-of-lgbt-community-in-clinton-county 12 June, 2017 Commentary Celebrate diversity! Yeah! Its great to be perverse! (I mean diverse. Yeah!) L-G-B-T-Q-B-M-O-U-S-E! . . . “Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse forever let us hold our banner high!” Get the beat there, you folks who watched that weekly show long ago. You gotta hold that second “B” for a few counts. […]