Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Abortionists and Terminations

The “Violent Extremism” That Is Abortion

How often have we heard that expression applied to describe the action of those who deliver babies from abortion-death by means of the destruction of those “facilities” which are used to murder the innocents. How to prevent the conception of a child?  Well, if you think it best, there are a few options: “Birth control” […]

Onward Weak or Strong

Stick with the straight and  narrow Flying along like a target arrow. Got that destiny in front; No swerving left or right, Falling into the din or the night;Got that light to guide your fight.That energy will not go to wasteAnd by His Spirit you’ll keep the pace.Head up strong and marching on;Serve Him feeling […]

Christian Radio Babble

“He treated everyone with love and respect,” says some goofball about Jesus on my Christian radio station.  What?!?  Where did you get that notion?  That false teaching?!?!?!? Fool!  Do I need to give a bunch of quotes from Him as He cussed out the Pharisees and tore up the temple? Read your Bible  before you […]

Non-violence!  It Is Our Tradition!

Well, that is fine when your are talking about achieving racial equality or the right of a woman to vote or hold office.  But when you are talking about freeing those who have been enslaved by racial manstealing and trading of black people or when you are talking about the murder of womb-children, tradition may, […]

Grave Robber!

He takes action, subjecting himself, dangerously, to the possibility of capture and punishment.  So did the Savior.  He took action, entering a world given over the Devil; a world full of disgusting sinners – even who would reject His efforts to save their disgusting souls. So does the “clinic bomber” who delivers babies from violent […]

Slandering Liar! (Joel Abrams)

https://theconversation.com/the-capitol-siege-recalls-past-acts-of-christian-nationalist-violence-153059 Joel Abrams says Paul Hill was a follower of “Christian Identity” (an anti-Trinitarian, heretical organization). Liar! Paul Hill was an orthodox, Trinity-worshiping Christian! He stood against those who slaughter womb-children and – as a man – defended them from decadent, murderous, “pro-choice” perverts.


Screw SCOTUS: Tyrants in robes Who scorn the Law of God! They splattered the land With the blood of Roe Undoing the laws of the land!How do the people bowTo tyrants like a yoked cow?The Law was given by GodTo Moses and the prophets;There is no other standard.NO COURT overrules the Law of God.For peace […]

Support Women’s Rights!

I support women’s rights! Got nine daughters and want The very best for them! No opportunities denied; Go to any college and get Any job, marry any (good) man!But, of course, they got no rightTo do wrong – well duh!Is that really so difficult?How does someone put baby-murderIn the category of women’s rights?!?!?What’s up with […]

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