November, 2016
November 10, 2016, michaelbray Character - or not, Elections, Wilmington Ohio,
10 Nov., 2016 You Don’t Want Portman Watching Your Back . . .Unless You’re Pretty Hard Up After Jesus, my next favorite candidate for the 2016 Presidential race would have been Ben Carson. These failing, I was left with Mr. Trump. But I like him a ton more than Hitlery. And the Lord knows I […]
November 9, 2016, michaelbray Apostasy Cowardice or Buffoonery, Wilmington Ohio,
10 Nov., 2016 I was glad to see Mr. Steed returned to service as a County Commissioner. He knows something about running a business and maintaining services within a budget. Politicians would do well to learn that skill prior to running for office. But more important even than such budgetary wisdom, perhaps, is the embrace of […]