March 5, 2024, michaelbray Character - or not, Citizenship, Ecclesiastical Matters, Family Matters, Liberty, Poetry, Position Papers, Sanctity of Human Beings,
Folks don’t handle well the company Of that person of glorious note. He’s attractive but discomfiting; His glory exposes deficiency. There is an awkwardness:A sense of failure, subordination;A feeling of wrongfulnessInspired by the presenceOf the high-level achiever.Yeah, such company is discomfiting,But it need not as such be so!We ALL fall short of HIS glory,Making ours […]
January 29, 2024, michaelbray Citizenship, Lamentations, Liberty, Position Papers,
I remember well when living in Germany at a military base where my dad was stationed. I had exited the USNA, happily expelled, in 1971. After hitch-hiking across the country and back, I headed to my parents and siblings in Stuttgart. While living there on the base, I took a job at a German department […]
January 27, 2024, michaelbray Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Citizenship, Ecclesiastical Matters, Elections, Liberty, Polytheistic Statism v. Christocracy, Position Papers,
(What is Justice?) The proper response to manstealers was not to run away from them: to “secede.” The proper response was to confront and STOP THE EVIL and free the slaves. Stop the evil! The proper response to child slaughter is not make it safe and legal, but to outlaw it and punish murderers of […]
September 26, 2023, michaelbray Environment/Creation, Lamentations, Liberty, Poetry, Wilmington Ohio,
We are all glad that you get a kickOut of the noise your engine can makeMuffler-less as you drive around town.But we don’t get the same kickAnd prefer that you curb your sickInterest in making noise for your ownJoy as you disturb us at home.Put your head phones on and play someRum-rum car engine noise […]
June 9, 2023, michaelbray Apologetics, Liberty, Poetry, Position Papers, Sanctity of Human Beings,
O my pillows of old! Just get me one with some feathers! Don’t want all that fake puffy stuff; Just some feathers, that’s enough! You know those birds got a purpose; We pluck those feathers And put ’em in a bag; Yeah, all that work may be a drag, But a natural medicine for the […]
April 10, 2023, michaelbray Character - or not, Liberty, Salvation, Sanctity of Human Beings,
What a stupid outcry when left undefined! Freedom for what! Freedom to sin? Freedom to blaspheme? Freedom to murder children in the womb? How about yelling “Restriction!”? No murder, no blasphemy, no stealing! How about yelling “Restrain yourself!” from coveting, from lusting, from dereliction of duty! Rather: cheers for righteous freedom! How about freedom to […]
April 10, 2023, michaelbray Apologetics, Apostasy Cowardice or Buffoonery, Citizenship, Liberty, Polytheistic Statism v. Christocracy, Salvation,
The downside of political freedom is that a citizen may believe whatever hellish heresy he likes and not be shunned or called out for it. With such freedom a person may freely go to hell without having been shunned or called out by government authority. But the good news is that within system of free […]
February 11, 2023, michaelbray Citizenship, Liberty, Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Polytheistic Statism v. Christocracy, Position Papers,
The sooner the public schools give up their “neutral,” polytheistic, multi-cultural, non-religious, anti-Christian bullshit and return to basic foundations of Christian/Biblical law and ethics, the better the nation will be. And the more ripe it will be for Divine blessings. So, let them bow before the one, true, triune God and be blessed. 11 Feb., […]
December 24, 2022, michaelbray Ecclesiastical Matters, Liberty, Poetry, Position Papers, Salvation, Sanctity of Human Beings,
When the savage anti-Christ pursues And you have no clues, Don’t fear those who hate; Those who run with the reprobate. Hold fast to what you know is true And know that He’s always with you. He will lead and always be there Whether times are rough or fair. Yours is to endure and pursue […]
December 19, 2022, michaelbray Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Character - or not, Liberty, Poetry, Position Papers,
I just don’t have time to get all indignant Over the nasty decadence in the news; It is beyond my ken to take all that trash to heart. Got to avert my mind from perverse trash to goodness; Give thanks for the benevolence of God And let fallen man have his short time on earth. […]