Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

August, 2016


Michael Bray 30 August, 2016 It is long past time to clarify and clean out the party. Determine what you believe, bottom line, and then reject candidates which violate the code.  Take for a bottom line a candidate who holds to the Ten Commandments.  We haven’t seen that standard since, well, maybe Charlemagne.  But it […]

Hughes on Hillary’s America

Hillary’s America: The secret history of the Democratic Party Dinesh D’Souza, Regnery Publishing, 2016 (ISBN 978-1-62157-347-0) Reviewed by Terence J. Hughes, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences and Climate Change, University of Maine, 404 North Sixth Street, Fort Pierre, South Dakota 57532, USA. From slavery to enslavement is the theme of this book. Dinesh D’Souza is […]