Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill


Wars Are Sometimes the Solution for Justice

Lots of people died, But it was worth it. The Civil War provided Freedom for “Negroes”; And it was worth it.  Justice is sometimes expensive. Now, what price is worth the protection Of womb-children from death? Similarly, the abortion-freedom travesty Is based upon something called “choice”?A real deception, denigrating human beings.Are the little ones worth […]

Terrorists and Life Savers

Indeed, depending upon whose “law” you follow and who (or what) your god is, you may find yourself in opposition to fellow citizens. If you honor God (the triune One of the Bible) and follow His law, you  will find yourself at odds with your government when it follows secular (Godless) laws. The Godless call […]

Wake Up, American Cultists!

Dear American cultists: Don’t take a false sense of security In your religious liberty. The freedom you  have to “worship” Does not grant you spiritual legitimacy. Your heresy, pursued in such freedom, Takes you down on Judgment Day.Turn from your folly before it’s too late;You need not be for others the Devil’s bait.Yeah, your sweet […]

Sissy Submission to a Renegade “Court”

Did the “Court” have the authority to  overturn the laws of all the states and thereby legalize child-slaughter? No.   Does the President have authority to issue a national emergency and forbid submission of the federal government to such lawless decrees?  Yes. But does he have either the integrity or balls to do so?  No. So […]

Those Really Sick Dems

The choice is simple, indeed! Relatively righteous RepublicansOver despicably decadent Democrats!Don’t have to do a lot of thinkin’To avoid a choice really stinkin’!Support sodomy and baby butchery?!?You got to get your head checked!Or have you just been hen-pecked?!Do the right thing and stand for what’s right!Takes no genius to look at the light.Truth is plain […]

Stormy Weather for Donald Trump and the Nation

Stephanie Clifford, a.k.a. Stormy Daniels, may or may not be telling the truth about Trump affair.  But what is the point and what her purpose?  Is she a stinking Democrat?  A resentful pro-abort?  What is in this for her?   Is she conniving to keep him out of office?  Is she angry because she didn’t get to be […]

Virginia and Maryland

Virginia and MarylandSome of the founding states of the Union.And who was in mind in the naming?None other than the mother of JesusThe Lord and Savior of all of usAnd, indeed, the whole world!(Yes, He’s quite the internationalist!And she, the mother of our Lord,Was quite the lady to name the land after.)So get a grip […]

Stumbling in the Haze

How sick is a nation that tolerates slavery Or one that permits abortion and sodomy! How has the sin of mankind been abated? It has not and so must ever be hated. The nature of man is indeed a fallen one! And all are in dire need of the death of the SonWho smashed the […]

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