Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Political Ministry of the Churches of God

Terrorists and Life Savers

Indeed, depending upon whose “law” you follow and who (or what) your god is, you may find yourself in opposition to fellow citizens. If you honor God (the triune One of the Bible) and follow His law, you  will find yourself at odds with your government when it follows secular (Godless) laws. The Godless call […]

Biden: The Uncensured Apostate

He imprisons the righteous – the saints who oppose abortion.  And yet, this heretic continues in good standing with “the Church”!  What kind of “Church” is it that retains active pro-aborts on its membership rolls? What is your priest saying about this?  Your bishop?  Any excuse for such dereliction of duty? This POTUS contributes to […]

Stormy Weather for Donald Trump and the Nation

Stephanie Clifford, a.k.a. Stormy Daniels, may or may not be telling the truth about Trump affair.  But what is the point and what her purpose?  Is she a stinking Democrat?  A resentful pro-abort?  What is in this for her?   Is she conniving to keep him out of office?  Is she angry because she didn’t get to be […]

Virginia and Maryland

Virginia and MarylandSome of the founding states of the Union.And who was in mind in the naming?None other than the mother of JesusThe Lord and Savior of all of usAnd, indeed, the whole world!(Yes, He’s quite the internationalist!And she, the mother of our Lord,Was quite the lady to name the land after.)So get a grip […]

On Jackass Punks

Now think of those stupid-ass punksMessing with those women’s centers Where all help is given freely to ladies To help avoid a fate worse than rabies. It is not a matter of vandals doing violence To someone on the other side of an issue. We are talking about more than some “tissue”! “Crisis pregnancy centers” […]

Euphemistic Lies and Deceit

Slavery was trumpeted by those who advocated for it under the guise of “property rights” Child-slaughter by abortion was trumpeted by those who advocate for it under guise of“women’s rights.” When do we get past falling for such heresy (bullshit – for the common man) ?   Observe the truth and act accordingly! Oh, the stupidity […]

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