November, 2018
November 27, 2018, michaelbray Poetry, Wars, Just and Unjust,
Arouse us to the Fight (composed on 17 Sept., 2018) To the tune of “America” (Thesaurus Musicus, 1744) (“My country ‘Tis of Thee, Sweet land . . . “) Our land defiled with blood Shed in our neighborhood Let justice roll Arouse us to the fight Give us courage and might To keep their bodies […]
November 13, 2018, michaelbray Environment/Creation, Wilmington News Journal,
A reply to a Washington Post article of Nov. 8, 2018 – Original article can be found here: “Signs of Returning to a Healthy Democracy,” from the left-wing Washington Post was featured in the Wilmington News Journal on 13 November. It heralds the return of the House to the Dems rattling off complaints about […]
November 12, 2018, michaelbray Wrestling,
12 Nov., 2018 The “Golden Sayings” of Epictetus, the first century Greek philosopher, were compiled by a contemporary philosopher and historian, Arrian. Epictetus is the main authority on Stoic morals of which he gained an understanding probably from the lectures of C. Musonius Rufus. Of the 189 Sayings, many reference wrestling. I am happy to […]
November 10, 2018, michaelbray Position Papers, Wilmington Ohio,
31 July, 2017 Dear Dale, I am offering you some thoughts regarding your “Baptism Sermon” as we might call it – on Sunday. I enclose an essay I wrote a long time ago for my SS class at a Lutheran Church; nothing has changed since then. I appreciate your continued faithfulness in preaching from the […]
November 10, 2018, michaelbray Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Wilmington Ohio,
Following Sunday morning class at the Church of Christ back in 2010 Anno Domini, I wrote a fellow church member and SS class participant. 24 September 2010 Dave, Some after thoughts regarding my cursory reply to your broad question on Sunday morning: “What is the will of God?” To say it is the “Law of […]
November 10, 2018, michaelbray Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Political Ministry of the Churches of God,
10 Nov., 2018 The wicked have murdered their own progeny. The righteous will rise and rule in their place. In view of the American (and, indeed, world-wide, thanks to American influence abroad) holocaust of the past 44 years since SCOTUS imposed Roe upon the world, there is ray of optimism to be found. The wicked […]
November 9, 2018, michaelbray Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Defending the Defenders, Prisoners and other Servants,
9 Nov., 2018 (The following responds to the report in the Kansas City Star on 7 November, 2018, at the above link on Shelley’s release from prison.) She was “released” after 25 real literal years. But . . . O puuuleeeaaase Judy Thomas! How long are you going to haul water for the abortionists? […]
November 9, 2018, michaelbray Apologetics, Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Polytheistic Statism v. Christocracy,
9 Nov., 2018 As there is only one God, the Triune God of the Scriptures, revealed to the world in the second person of the Trinity, the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the god of Islam is a false God. Islam denies Jesus as Lord and God and so denies the Truth. Simple. Aasia Bibi […]
November 8, 2018, michaelbray Defending the Defenders, Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Prisoners and other Servants,
A note sent to Trump via the official web site of POTUS, today 8 Nov., 2018: Keep up the good work! We pray always for you: my wife and our eleven children and ten grandchildren along with our church and the many moral, upright, God-fearing people of the land. Please consider pardoning these men […]
November 8, 2018, michaelbray Civil Disobedience, Defending the Defenders, Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Prisoners and other Servants,
8 November, 2018 The message to our President regarding our anti-abortion prisoners of Christ must be: “Ya turn ’em loose.” That scene in the film, “A Time to Kill,” based upon John Grisham’s novel by the same title comes strongly to mind. There on the witness stand is the sheriff who was maimed by the […]