Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The False God of Islam

9 Nov., 2018

As there is only one God, the Triune God of the Scriptures, revealed to the world in the second person of the Trinity, the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the god of Islam is a false God.  Islam denies Jesus as Lord and God and so denies the Truth.  Simple.

Aasia Bibi was the second Christian sentenced to death under Pakistan’s blasphemy laws.  The first was Ayub Masih who was released in 2002.   The case of Aasia Bibi represents more than a certain zeal on the part of Islamists.  It points to a condition deep in the hearts of all who reject the Messiah.  Death to messengers of Salvation because with the message comes the underlying proclamation that all are damned and destined for Judgment.  All are, indeed, in need of the only Savior who can truly save.

All need Jesus and the only way to the salvation provided by Him is to bow before Him, the Lord of creation and the savior of repentant persons from all nations. Bad news for Jews, Muslims, Secularists, regular heathen, Modernists and any other kind of rebel who refuses to acknowledge his sin, rebellion, and condemnation before a holy and just God.   “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” as the apostle of Christ, Himself, says (Romans 3:23).

When we speak of the false god of Islam, we must not fail to affirm the false gods of many within the geographical or psychological parameters of America or world-wide Modernism.  Indeed all philosophical systems which come to the conclusion that Jesus is not Lord of all are false as well.  No particular slight to Islamists.  Modern liberals, denying the Scriptures and its doctrine of the Imago Dei in man (from conception, of course), are anathema under the same principle of condemnation.  That is, as rebels against God and the revealed Messiah, they are all damned.

The good news, for all who care to hear it (i.e. those to whom He sends His spirit to awaken their dead, rebellious hearts), is that He saves thoroughly.  He calls his elect, opens their heart to His message, draws them to Himself in repentance, and guides them with by His very Spirit.

Our Muslim friends, even like our pro-abort, Democrat neighbors, may be delivered from their blindness and corruption and, especially, their rejection of the One Who came for them and provided the means of salvation from their wicked rejection of Truth.   Yes, they may delivered by His merciful forgiveness as they repent and embrace the Savior and the Truth.

Abandon baby butchering or Muhammad as the case may apply to you.

Bow to the Lord, the Creator, the Savior, Jesus, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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