Fathers’ Rights
August 23, 2024, michaelbray Abortuary Demolitions etc., Family Matters, Fathers' Rights, Sanctity of Human Beings,
No. Sorry. That baby inside your womb is not “your body.” That baby was produced by the sperm of another body and an egg of your body to produce another body! That baby in your womb is NOT YOUR BODY! That child was never yours to murder. Govern your own body as you like. But […]
February 19, 2024, michaelbray Character - or not, Family Matters, Fathers' Rights, Poetry, Position Papers, Wrestling,
The Palumbos were talented athletes, And others, in competition, would defeat, But they gave up the sport of basketball. When they saw it good for not much at all, They came into the light of wrestling: That glorious sport from the beginning.Being quite short as they areAnd though already in that sport – stars,They took […]
September 20, 2023, michaelbray Abortionists and Terminations, Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Apostasy Cowardice or Buffoonery, Character - or not, Family Matters, Fathers' Rights, Poetry, Position Papers, Sanctity of Human Beings,
I support women’s rights! Got nine daughters and want The very best for them! No opportunities denied; Go to any college and get Any job, marry any (good) man!But, of course, they got no rightTo do wrong – well duh!Is that really so difficult?How does someone put baby-murderIn the category of women’s rights?!?!?What’s up with […]
August 18, 2022, michaelbray Family Matters, Fathers' Rights, Poetry,
Both my sisters took on the affliction Of tri-syllabic last names! Surely they have suffered great pain; T’was simple to indite that name, “Bray”! Four simple letters! An easy way To sign those papers or a check. But now, Oh! What the heck! B-R-U-N-S-T-E-T-T-E R !P-E-N-D-E-R-G-R-A-S-S! O, sisters, you got yourself in a mess! Sorry […]
August 15, 2022, michaelbray Abortionists and Terminations, Abortuary Demolitions etc., Character - or not, Family Matters, Fathers' Rights, Lamentations, Poetry,
Yes, Messiah is imposed upon the Jews And the Muslims and liberals who snooze. In the name of religious freedom, All have the liberty to submit to Him, No matter the choice they voted Or to what false religion they’re devoted Their time talent and lives, Ignoring the Truth and swallowing lies. Dear husbands and […]
May 19, 2022, michaelbray Apostasy Cowardice or Buffoonery, Character - or not, Ecclesiastical Matters, Family Matters, Fathers' Rights, Good Riddance, Lamentations, Poetry,
Cursed be Methodist College. They had a false teacher named Everding; “Professor” he was of New Testament. A denier of our Lord and Savior, He rejected the Scriptures as true And the faith of students he would undo.To hell with anyone who leads others astray, Faking as a teacher of holy Scripture, Seeking the hope […]
March 4, 2022, michaelbray Character - or not, Family Matters, Fathers' Rights, Poetry, Sanctity of Human Beings,
Say you want about CCC? Tell you what it means to me: Gonna lead you right to the SSS Talkin’ Comfort, Convenience, and Causelessness Yeah, it’s really gonna be a mess, Bringin’ on Serious Sartorial Sloppiness! It’s a consequence of what you want! You know it’s not somethin’ to flaunt; Folks won’t think very much […]
February 10, 2022, michaelbray Abortionists and Terminations, Abortuary Demolitions etc., Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Character - or not, Civil Disobedience, Family Matters, Fathers' Rights, Polytheistic Statism v. Christocracy, Sanctity of Human Beings, Terrorism - of God and Men, Wars, Just and Unjust,
I confess to being a supremacist of this sort. Actually, I don’t care if he is white or black, but a Christian who puts the Law of God first above any contradicting laws of men is the ideal ruler. But if there are no white candidates holding high the Scriptures and only black candidates are […]
January 31, 2022, michaelbray Apostasy Cowardice or Buffoonery, Character - or not, Family Matters, Fathers' Rights, Lamentations, Poetry, Sanctity of Human Beings,
What you gonna do If your daughter gets POOW, Talkin’ Pregnant Out Of Wedlock? Hope you’re not a dope Who just cannot cope And lets her go “take care of it,” As if the baby were a piece of shit! Come on men! Got to man up! Lead your family; don’t drop! Stand up and […]
December 9, 2021, michaelbray Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Family Matters, Fathers' Rights, Poetry, Position Papers,
Twelve feet long and eight feet high Spans the painting on the wall; Daughter Mercy made a tree of the family, Children’s names on all the branches. Quite a sight to behold as I sit And think and pray about the day, Thankful for the One who gave them to us; Blessings, indeed, were they, […]