December, 2018
December 18, 2018, michaelbray Apologetics, Character - or not, Media Matters, Speech - Lawful and Unlawful,
18 Dec., 2018 “A person who is utterly intolerant of any creed that differs from his own.” That is the definition of the word we commonly hear tossed against folks who hold opinions contrary to the prevailing or popular doctrine. And that opinion which is popularly held (or, by radio or TV media enhancement, seems […]
December 11, 2018, michaelbray Family Matters, Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Sanctity of Human Beings, Wars, Just and Unjust,
11 Dec., 2018 What is a fellow to do if his opinions go contrary to the prevailing homofascist doctrine which currently suppresses free speech? Such Mickey Mouse foolishness! (Sing it!): LGBTQ-MOUSE (Chorus) LGBTQ-dash-MOUSE L-G-B . . . T-Q-Dash. . . We get it on and love to feel the lash! I’m talkin’ about ma man Kevin […]
December 10, 2018, michaelbray Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Character - or not, Position Papers, Sanctity of Human Beings,
Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus (a.k.a. Tertullian), the late second century church father, says: The worshippers of God will be with God forever, clothed with the proper substance of eternity (“resurrection flesh”); but the profane and all who are not wholly devoted to God, in the punishment of fire which is just as eternal. (Apologeticus, 48) […]
December 7, 2018, michaelbray Civil Disobedience, Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Wilmington Ohio,
7 Dec., 2018 Wilmington: Abortion-Free Zone (Redux) When ought cities and towns resist, even defy, the authority of the higher (case-in-point, federal) power? Is it possible that cities and towns can be spared the righteous wrath of God when it falls upon a nation? Let us hope so. We have solid grounds for such a hope. […]
December 6, 2018, michaelbray Character - or not, Defending the Defenders,
What is the State of the Union? How are we faring as a people? Not well, I must say. Not until we are rid of this suffocating stench of innocent blood. Get educated! When may one person kill another one? Is there such a principle? May we defend the innocents? Don’t we send men into […]