White Rose Banquets
February 21, 2015, michaelbray White Rose Banquets,
By Roger Domingo Life Advocate March/April, 1999 College Park, MD – Easily likened to a hungry circle of sharks with a scent of blood, the media reporters and photographers seemed to outnumber the seventy paying guests at this year’s White Rose Banquet. The fourth annual event was held on the eve of the twenty-sixth anniversary […]
June 25, 2012, michaelbray White Rose Banquets,
7 January 2003 Re White Rose Banquet 2003 and Witness in Buffalo on 22 January Dear Friends, On such short notice, we have two opportunities on the Day of Infamy memorial, 2003. First, we will have an informal WRB in Gaithersburg, Maryland White Rose Banquet 2003 (suburb of D.C.) on the usual date, the eve […]