Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill


Wake Up, American Cultists!

Dear American cultists: Don’t take a false sense of security In your religious liberty. The freedom you  have to “worship” Does not grant you spiritual legitimacy. Your heresy, pursued in such freedom, Takes you down on Judgment Day.Turn from your folly before it’s too late;You need not be for others the Devil’s bait.Yeah, your sweet […]

Those Really Sick Dems

The choice is simple, indeed! Relatively righteous RepublicansOver despicably decadent Democrats!Don’t have to do a lot of thinkin’To avoid a choice really stinkin’!Support sodomy and baby butchery?!?You got to get your head checked!Or have you just been hen-pecked?!Do the right thing and stand for what’s right!Takes no genius to look at the light.Truth is plain […]

Stormy Weather for Donald Trump and the Nation

Stephanie Clifford, a.k.a. Stormy Daniels, may or may not be telling the truth about Trump affair.  But what is the point and what her purpose?  Is she a stinking Democrat?  A resentful pro-abort?  What is in this for her?   Is she conniving to keep him out of office?  Is she angry because she didn’t get to be […]

Daniel Best Expectation

No worry ’bout Daniel Best; A follower of Jesus, He’s at rest! No matter what the “might ‘a’ been”; He’s up there with all our kin: Yeah, those followers of our Lord, Who, with Him, never get bored.‘T ain’t easy to press on in the WordIn a world where it seems absurdTo put your trust […]

Grammar Police Notice

“I will never not call an employee by their name” said Amy on the Carlos and Amy Show this morning (HOPE 100 on 29 Feb., 2024, cir. 9:15  a.m.). It is a common grammatical error to reference a person (employee, in this case) – singular – with the plural pronoun, “they.” Somehow “they” – the […]

Dear Romanist brethren,

Are you protesting this apostate Pope?  You do know that he blesses sodomite “marriages.”  Right?  So, what keeps you from abandoning such heresy?  And body of people, any organization, which approves heresy (perversion, apostasy, etc.) is to be abandoned. Why haven’t others in authority removed the heretic?  Are they in agreement?  Or without the gonads […]

A Border Meditation

If, as a national “body” of people, We are unwilling to protect ourselves From the infection that infuses us By the invasion of immigrants, We will, indeed, deserve the influx: The natural consequence of  negligence.But, of course, even derelictionCan be morphed into national benefit!Are we not short on workers to fillThe demands of an economy […]

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