Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

A Wicked World of Winelessness

‘Tis a wicked world of winelessness:
Weakening the soul.
What to do with those taste buds?
Just put those jewels on hold?
You know they got a purpose:
To savor such things well
And prompt much thanksgiving
For our escape from that placed called hell.
Ain’t no thing to get some buzz;
(Can’t say I get it much of that ‘cuz
I really don’t take much in real fast.
I like to make my drinking last!)
It’s the tasting that a fellow must dig;
Not just sloshin’ it down like a pig.
A wine-less world is one of deprivation,
And sometimes such we must suffer.
But it need not be a thing of intention
Where the blessing for another is withheld!
That juice is a most savorous matter of delight,
So why make it an issue over which to fight?

1555 on 16 March, 2024

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