Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The “Violent Extremism” That Is Abortion

How often have we heard that expression applied to describe the action of those who deliver babies from abortion-death by means of the destruction of those “facilities” which are used to murder the innocents.

How to prevent the conception of a child?  Well, if you think it best, there are a few options: “Birth control” by means of “rubbers” to capture the sperm and prevent its trip to the woman’s eggs is one means;  “withdrawal” of the “member” from the woman prior to the dispensation of sperm is another; and confining sexual activity to those times of the month when fertility is low.

But the violent dismemberment of a child while he develops in the womb of his mother is the most cruel treatment of a child.  It is nothing less than murder.

Think on it a bit and get a grip on your mental and ethical condition.

22 April, 2024

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