Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Defending the Defenders

On The “Violence” of Religion

All rational people approve the use of force to help an innocent person escape from the danger  or  threat of death. It is a different situation when the person threatened with death is guilty – by virtue of  his threatening the life of an innocent person. If an aggressor is threatening an innocent person with […]

Wars Are Sometimes the Solution for Justice

Lots of people died, But it was worth it. The Civil War provided Freedom for “Negroes”; And it was worth it.  Justice is sometimes expensive. Now, what price is worth the protection Of womb-children from death? Similarly, the abortion-freedom travesty Is based upon something called “choice”?A real deception, denigrating human beings.Are the little ones worth […]

Terrorists and Life Savers

Indeed, depending upon whose “law” you follow and who (or what) your god is, you may find yourself in opposition to fellow citizens. If you honor God (the triune One of the Bible) and follow His law, you  will find yourself at odds with your government when it follows secular (Godless) laws. The Godless call […]

Stormy Weather for Donald Trump and the Nation

Stephanie Clifford, a.k.a. Stormy Daniels, may or may not be telling the truth about Trump affair.  But what is the point and what her purpose?  Is she a stinking Democrat?  A resentful pro-abort?  What is in this for her?   Is she conniving to keep him out of office?  Is she angry because she didn’t get to be […]

Onward Weak or Strong

Stick with the straight and  narrow Flying along like a target arrow. Got that destiny in front; No swerving left or right, Falling into the din or the night;Got that light to guide your fight.That energy will not go to wasteAnd by His Spirit you’ll keep the pace.Head up strong and marching on;Serve Him feeling […]

Advice to Those on Trial Now and in Future

By Cathy Ramey I belong to the “Billion-Dollar-Club” along with about a dozen other people inaugurated as such in 1995 when we were served with a lawsuit filed against us by Planned Parenthood, Int’l, a handful of abortionists and one of PP’s affiliates in Oregon where they wanted to stage the trial. They wanted that […]

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