Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

July, 2013

David Jeremiah is No Jeremiah

Michael Bray, 16 July, 2013 That prophet wept over the nation as it rejected his message.  He pressed on right through the judgment that he knew was coming.   He lived through it and gave us Lamentations. He wept for the nation’s idolatry and for the misery that they would suffer because of their sin.  However, […]

Suppressing the Truth to Keep the World Safe for Abortion

Michael Bray 3 July, 2013 Ben Curell took an ax and gave a Bloomington, Indiana abortuary 40 whacks  – or so – on 11 April, 2013.   Six days prior,  R.C.  Sproul and Doug Wilson delivered lectures sponsored by Clearnote Campus Fellowship, a student outreach arm of Clearnote Church, Indianapolis, of which Ben Curell is a […]