June, 2016
June 30, 2016, michaelbray Correspondence, Political Ministry of the Churches of God,
Michael Bray, M.A. (S.C.M.U.S.N.A.H.O.W.F.E.P.T.A.A.F.A.P.C.P.M.)* 30 June, 2016 The Honorable Steve Stivers 211 S. 5th St. Columbus, OH 43215 Re: sodomite “marriage” Dear Sir, What are titles all about? And when do men respect them and when not? Who are these men (or whatever) in robes? Is SCOTUS the King? Is the Congress just a pack of lap […]
June 16, 2016, michaelbray Defending the Defenders,
The letter below was prompted by the news story reported in the L.A. Times per this link: < http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-pastor-praises-orlando-killings-video-sermon-20160614-snap-story.html > 16 June, 2016 Pastor Roger Jimenez Verity Baptist Church 2850 Northgate Blvd Suite #2 Sacramento, CA 95833 http://www.veritybaptist.com/contact.html Dear Pastor Jimenez, I wrote the following note to many friends of mine around the nation: Pastor […]