Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

September, 2011

Women in the Military

Reformation Lutheran Church Anno Domini 2001 Position Statement: Women in the Military Statement The recent trend in our society to put women in combat roles in the name of equal rights is more of the same buffoonery that brought us child slaughter under the same principle. There is no benefit for the national defense in […]

The Tenth Amendment

Reformation Lutheran Church Anno Domini 2001 Position Statement: The Tenth Amendment Statement Article Ten of the Amendments to the Constitution of the United States very succinctly says: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” […]

States’ Right to Execute Abortionists

Reformation Lutheran Church Anno Domini 2001 States’ Right to Execute Abortionists Statement: Whereas: The ongoing slaughter of innocent womb children by both surgical and chemical means is the product of an opinion written by an ephemeral judicial tribunal; opinions of the Supreme Court are not law and ought not be respected as edicts from a […]

Sodomites and Civil Rights

Reformation Lutheran Church Anno Domini 2001 Position Paper: Sodomites and Civil Rights Statement: We are defining sodomy as sexual relations between persons of the same sex. Such action is an abomination for individuals (Rom. 1; Lev. 18:22,23; 1 Cor. 6:9; 1 Thes. 4:3). This action is not to be regarded as a matter of privacy, […]

Public Education

Reformation Lutheran Church Anno Domini 2001 Position Paper: Public Education Statement The various political issues surrounding the education of children involve a fundamental question of authority. Who has authority and therefore responsibility for the education of children? The answer guides conclusions to questions concerning vouchers, home schooling regulation, compulsory education, participation of home schooled or […]

Prisons and Capital Punishment

Reformation Lutheran Church Anno Domini 2001 Position statement : Penology – Prisons and capital punishment Statement Punitive justice ought exclude imprisonment; it must include capital punishment. The penalty for crimes of theft ought to be manifold restitution. The penalty for crimes of personal bodily injury ought to be left to the judgment of the victim, […]

The Feminist Heresy

Reformation Lutheran Church Anno Domini 2001 Position Statement: The Feminist Heresy Statement Men and woman are not equal. One of the great heresies of our time is the rejection of the biblical doctrine of hierarchy and distinction in sexual roles which God has ordained. Men are women are not equal. Our nation recognized this fact […]

The Right to Use Force to Stop Abortion

Reformation Lutheran Church Anno Domini 2001 Anti-abortionists and the right to use force to stop abortion Statement: Since convenience-driven abortion is nothing less than the murder of innocent human beings, the use of force to stop such wanton child-slaughter is justified. The same biblical principles which justify the intervention in behalf of the innocent adults, […]