April, 2023
April 30, 2023, michaelbray Character - or not, Position Papers,
No, those Yankees weren’t more sensitive to human rights and the personhood of black people than were folks of the South. Northerners were greedy to gain a better economic advantage over their Southern competitors who could do business cheaper by means of slave labor! Yankees wanted to balance out the business playing field and deprive […]
April 15, 2023, michaelbray Character - or not, Citizenship, Polytheistic Statism v. Christocracy, Position Papers, Sanctity of Human Beings, Wars, Just and Unjust,
“Slavery” – a Southern man’s “choice” “Anti-Semitism” – A Hitlerian German’s “choice” “White Supremacy” – an evolutionary, naturalist racist’s “choice” “Abortion” – any “liberated” woman’s “choice” “Same-sex Relationship” – old-fashioned sodomy all churched-up as a “choice” or “orientation” Truth and Justice – the choice of the Biblical/historic Christian 15 April, 2023
April 14, 2023, michaelbray Apologetics, Position Papers,
Oh, That Grammar! (Those otherwise lovely and lively Christian songs that are undermined by bad grammar!) “The same power that” raised – not “rose” – “Jesus from the dead”! Oh, the song goads me on with my Grammar Police calling. Please! Get that bad grammar straightened out! A whole generation of Christian kids have had […]
April 14, 2023, michaelbray Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Character - or not, Family Matters, Lamentations, Poetry,
“Ah,” said he to his lady,“We’ve both had lots of fun;You’ve been a hell of a harridan,But its time we bring it to an end.Ya know they got me and I’m goin’ to the pen,But wait for me, Dear, if you would;You know I’d be there if I could.” (Impersonal post-prison poetic pensiveness on a […]
April 13, 2023, michaelbray Character - or not, Family Matters, Poetry, Salvation,
A widow, a widower and a divorce*; Oh, life was rough on Beverly Bray! Those kids put her right through the ringer And her firstborn went to the “clinker”! They put the bloke right in the clink As if he needed time to think About ‘is “wicked” deeds! (O come on fools! Awaken! On whose […]
April 13, 2023, michaelbray Apologetics, Character - or not, Ecclesiastical Matters, Family Matters, Poetry, Salvation,
Lots of grace, lots of Law! We love justice; that’s all. We’re glad the Lord has set us free From the consequences of our sin: That eternal burn and fraternal fighting. His grace and peace is so inviting! But we are about the advance of Justice, That people will see the Law revealed In that […]
April 13, 2023, michaelbray Apologetics, Poetry, Salvation,
Yes, there is forgiveness for ALL Be ye sodomite, Democrat or regular fornicator! Any and all sin can be forgiven . . . immediately Upon genuine, heartfelt, sincere, honest confession! (Come out o’ that dizzy derelictionAll that misery and soul affliction.)Now we don’t mean to make light of this salvation; His blood is plentiful, good […]
April 11, 2023, michaelbray Abortionists and Terminations, Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Character - or not, Citizenship, Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Position Papers,
The termination of an abortionist (by a random citizen) serves not only the defensive duty of all (and anyone) to protect innocent people from harm (viz., those babies he was plotting to kill), but it also serves the justice principle of bringing due punishment upon a transgressor; a murderer is punished justly for his capital […]
April 11, 2023, michaelbray Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Character - or not, Citizenship, Family Matters, Poetry, Position Papers, Wilmington Ohio,
Why are the firstborn of eleven And the fruity twins without “leaven”? What is the divine purpose for humans? Not only pro-creation but glorification Of the One and Only Holy Lord Who rescues us from the path of the horde That goes after the things of this world Only to have it all lost and […]
April 10, 2023, michaelbray Character - or not, Liberty, Salvation, Sanctity of Human Beings,
What a stupid outcry when left undefined! Freedom for what! Freedom to sin? Freedom to blaspheme? Freedom to murder children in the womb? How about yelling “Restriction!”? No murder, no blasphemy, no stealing! How about yelling “Restrain yourself!” from coveting, from lusting, from dereliction of duty! Rather: cheers for righteous freedom! How about freedom to […]