Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The Same Power That RAISED Jesus From the Dead!

Oh, That Grammar!

(Those otherwise lovely and lively Christian songs that are undermined by bad grammar!)

“The same power that” raised – not “rose” – “Jesus from the dead”! 

Oh, the song goads me on with my Grammar Police calling.

Please!   Get that bad grammar straightened out!  A whole generation of Christian kids have had their English contorted by this otherwise-fine song!

We may say, “He arose” or “He rose” when He is the subject performing the action. 

But when He is presented as the object of a Power (Father or Spirit, theologically speaking), he, grammatically is “raised” not “rose” from the dead!

So, “The same power that raised Jesus from the dead. . . “

Sing it!

14 April, 2023

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