Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

March, 2020

Wisdom for Youth

Dost thou piss against the wall And thy stones, be they intact? Didst thou have a nasty fall, Did they fall out of thy sack? Good man, if not, then hearken to me Listen to my sound advice Lest thou being caught too surly, Snare thy manhood in a vice. Steer clear of the wayward […]

The Lusts of the Flesh

The lusts of the flesh Never conquered They are suppressed RedirectedMay be reduced For a moment But rear up And astound us As we press onTo that goal Way over there On the horizon. Oh we’ll be risin’Incorruptible! Hang on, The road is rough. Be tough, His grace is enough. 0955, 30 March, 2020

Niggard Negroes and Witless Whites

As there are niggard Negroes There are many-a witless Whites. It matters not the label One levies upon another, Rather the character of the soul Whether rich in deeds of justice Or full with feigned benevolence. Make a case for a race that is pure! But who will endure When the scrutiny of the Almighty […]

Avoid Fornication!

Avoid fornication! Practice social distancing Look straight ahead Sneak no peaks Abstain from streaking Keep on clothes in the creek Have fun in the sun Hands off the buns Keep your wits Don’t stare at tits 26 March, 2020

Corona Prayer

That the virus yield “virtus” Rather than “stuprum” (The opposite of virtus). God is an excellent engineer. He will work His sanctifying purpose By means of plagues such as this “Corona Virus.” He is an engineer of character construction. He knows, in reformation of ill-developed personalities, Just what to cut and break and Tear down […]

Covenant Eyes

0640 on 27 March, 2020 His mission is derision Of that holy institution. He takes you for a ride Where you can hide From the eyes of others. You do it with mothers Under the covers But God sees it all. Ever since the Fall He made the devil His fool, Nothing but a tool […]

O the Boasts!

O the boasts Of those who toast To themselves The glories of this world. One declares himself hospitable, The other most biddable. One a full-fledged eff-er, The other a dainty tit licker. Vanity, vanity Let it go. There is only One Who knows And He calls us sure To be pure, Forsooth, To walk in […]

Judging Corona

How shall we judge The current judgment? AIDS was sodomy-specific, Corona is general. All are doomed Under the gloom Of Corona. Makes all moan-a And groan-a. Got to submit With all wits And laws To the Boss Who reigns On high Above all us. 26 March at 1005

Nigh on Fifty Years

Nigh on 50 years of baby-killin’ A lot of blood been shed Funny so few baby killers Have ever been shot dead Don’t know what the matter How the folk can tolerate So great a moral mess A decadent estate What kind of people are they Who look the other way? What duties do they […]

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