Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

October, 2018

SCOTUS the Mad Man

The darling of the damned must be dethroned. It is not the Lawgiver.  But it has functioned as the Law Blasphemer, the Destroyer of National Justice, the Suborner of Morality.  More egregiously yet, it is the purveyor of the national, even world holocaust as the highest court of the most influential nation in the world.  […]

Save the Babies!

30 Oct., 2018 “Where have all the children gone?”  So pondered Randy Riley (WNJ, 29 Oct., 2018).  Randy Riley wants us to “Vote yes on the Children Services Levy.”   Hmm.  Is there another way to take care of these children other than raising taxes? Take them out of pagan homes and let them be reared […]


8 Sept.. 2018 Society for Kicking the Asses of Anti-Trumpists The nation is in need of the formation of SKAATs in every town.  The increased volubility of puerile punks, foul-mouthed fools, and generally derelict Democrats has reached an intolerably irritating high.  As recently displayed in the national news during various political events,  when matters do […]

Sodom and Gomorrah 1980*

Why were those folks dumped-on so badly? “Because they were queers!” we might say. Yes they were, to use the slang term, “queers.”  (Some may prefer the euphemistic “gay” in accordance with the thinking of our “broadminded society which has proclaimed homosexuality an alternative sexual preference.”)  And yes, God condemns homosexuals along with fornicators, adulterers, […]

Gosnell – the movie

19 Oct., 2018 The movie’s full title is “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer.” I expect to see it soon if for no other reason  than to support the effort in hopes that “the message gets out.”  I look for forward to that day when we try, convict,  and terminate (uh, execute) unwanted […]