June, 2023
June 28, 2023, michaelbray Lamentations, Poetry, Position Papers, Sanctity of Human Beings, Terrorism - of God and Men,
For 28 June, 2023 May the Lord damn the man Who butchers the baby in the womb. May he go past the tomb to his doom Where worm does not die and the fire burns; A just reward for his wicked deeds, Destroying humans as if they were weeds. To hell with those who would […]
June 27, 2023, michaelbray Apostasy Cowardice or Buffoonery, Character - or not, Defending the Defenders, Ecclesiastical Matters, Poetry, Position Papers,
If you will fight, get up off your knees; It is God, not the world, that you must please. He says to show your faith by your good works! So get up out of your chair, my child Your life is not going to be mild. 27 June, 2023To the tune: “The Battle Belongs to […]
June 22, 2023, michaelbray Position Papers,
No, JACKASSES! Anti-abortion action does not “violate the constitution!” But slaughtering babies violates the foundation of the Constitution – the right to LIFE upon which liberty and the pursuit of happiness depend! 22 June, 2023
June 21, 2023, michaelbray Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Ecclesiastical Matters, Position Papers,
A “congregational meeting” substitutes for the regular fellowship groups which ought to be established to nourish the brethren. Home groups, meeting regularly (weekly) under the authority of leaders (elders or those approved the elders), are the ideal means of accomplishing fellowship among the saints. The elders are to rule, not the people. Democratic rule of […]
June 15, 2023, michaelbray Abortionists and Terminations, Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Apologetics, Character - or not, Ecclesiastical Matters, Poetry, Position Papers,
I did time at FCI Ray Brook And at USNA, Annapolis. The latter was harder, But the former more glorious. Saving babies from abortion Was more satisfying than military service; Persons, not nations, are sacred. The people, not citizenship, live on And face the Lord and Judge;(From clasping the cross, do not budge!). It is […]
June 15, 2023, michaelbray Abortuary Demolitions etc., Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Character - or not, Poetry, Political Ministry of the Churches of God,
One judge finds me guilty And sentences me to ten years And a whole lot of restitution money; Another judge reverses the caseAnd I go back to court.An Alford plea gets me six(Over a guilty plea for five).Satisfied, I do my time on the sixOnly later to find that restitutionWas omitted in the legal shuffling,And […]
June 14, 2023, michaelbray Apologetics, Environment/Creation, Poetry, Position Papers, Sanctity of Human Beings,
The right to stand before God Above all other creatures – made by Him.As holy beings made in His very image,We will answer to Him as honorable,Responsible, accountable persons;And we will be found not only wantingBut damned forever, separated from Him. Deal with that before making any demandsOf Him Who has the right to beat the […]
June 14, 2023, michaelbray Family Matters, Poetry,
Remember, children are your primarily ASes They are, indeed, your Agents of Sanctification. Yes, they are a blessing to the world as well;(Christian children lead others away from hell).But they do refine their parents by the trials they bring,Driving them with others in church praises to sing,Thanking Him for Sunday relief and hope for the […]
June 14, 2023, michaelbray Character - or not, Environment/Creation, Family Matters, Poetry, Position Papers, Sanctity of Human Beings,
Children are a blessing Coming down from above. (Can’t think of one thatWe didn’t love!)Got to keep ’em comingIf He keeps on giving!Which of His giftsDon’t you want?What have you got to flaunt In this world anyway?Wealth? Prestige? Ease? Position? Just what is your supposition? Believe what is said in His Word? Well those cahonies […]
June 13, 2023, michaelbray Actors in the Kingdom: selections, Character - or not, Lamentations, Position Papers, Salvation,
13 June, 2023 Unlike Judas, Tom Spinks repented and asked for forgiveness. He is forgiven. It was some years ago when he came to me on some occasion that I can’t remember and said, “I need to ask for your forgiveness.” He was referring to his testimony in court in which he declared that […]