May, 2018
May 25, 2018, michaelbray Apostasy Cowardice or Buffoonery, Honorable Guest Expostulators, Media Matters,
Thanks to the National Enquirer (August 18, 2017) for advertising a book which ought to have been promoted by educators and self-respecting mavens of cultural progress! It is progress, indeed, for a people to restrain itself from the base inclination to suicide, loathsome as we human beings are. But the ravaging of wombs!? The base slaughter […]
May 5, 2018, michaelbray Political Ministry of the Churches of God, Position Papers,
5 May, 2018 If abortion is not the murder of a child and contraception not the deliberate abolition of sacred human life, then “prolife politics” has no raison d’etre. And if the doctrine of the sanctity of human life is not grounded in the Christian proposition that mankind is created in the image of God […]
May 1, 2018, michaelbray Character - or not, Good Riddance,
Cecile Richards, the “CEO” of the greatest blood-shedding organization of last century and the present one, has decided to resign. That is the big news from “Planned Parenthood,” the Nazi-like rulers of the contemporary Holocaust. The announcement came in January, a month after the Department of Justice revealed its investigation into the abortion chain’s involvement […]