Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Put On Some Decent Clothes!

Say you want about CCC?
Tell you what it means to me:
Gonna lead you right to the SSS
Talkin’ Comfort, Convenience, and Causelessness
Yeah, it’s really gonna be a mess,
Bringin’ on Serious Sartorial Sloppiness!
It’s a consequence of what you want!
You know it’s not somethin’ to flaunt;
Folks won’t think very much of you
Goin’ round missin’ a shoe!
Don’t want to think ’bout your dress?
Bringin’ that woman no happiness?
You got to put on some decent clothes!
Stop sittin’ ’round pickin’ your nose!
Yeah, you sittin’ ‘ere on ‘at toosh
Needin’ someone t’give you a poosh!
Man, the Lord gonna spank your hiney;
Make you more nasty and whiney!
Den you gonna have to repent;
Start fixin’ all up dat tent!

A.m. at 0830 on 3 March, 2022
(Note: not biographical)

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