Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The Downside of Freedom

The downside of political freedom is that a citizen may believe whatever hellish heresy he likes and not be shunned or called out for it.  With such freedom a person may freely go to hell without having been shunned or called out by government authority.   But the good news is that within system of free speech, one  citizen may call out another citizen or even his own government for his or its apostasy and blasphemy.  

So it is that I may, here, call out those anti-Trinitarian folks who go about following idols or false gods.  The message is simple:  There is one God, the triune God of the Scriptures – proclaimed as such by the churches of God (Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant) down through the ages.

Best to re-examine your Book, the Bible, and discover that the triune God is the one true God.  Worship Him alone: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Use your freedom wisely for the sake of your soul.  Read, understand, and believe the testimony of the Scriptures. 

10 April, 2023

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