Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Dems and Nazis

We give Dems too much grace!  We fail to call them out as a (morally) completely degraded party.  We act as if they are still a legitimate option for whom any citizen may rightfully vote!  But the moral truth is that no Democrat may be regarded as a legitimate option.  It must be remembered that they are equal, at best, to NAZIs and, arguably worse!

So why, as we flounder under the continued daily toleration of the holocaust, do we treat them so respectfully as a legitimate political party?  Would we not scoff, mock, and reject anyone who ran as a NAZI today?  And is the pro-abort, pro-sodomite Democratic party any BETTER? 

This is no exaggeration – unless we grant the lie that people IN the womb are not as sacred as those OUTSIDE the womb!

The damned Democratic party is illegitimate!  It is not an option!  We have, then, only the GOP available to us – unless there are some others out there in the shadows emerging. 

Let us, then, quit calling ourselves a bi-party system with legitimate competing political parties affording some kind of debate and “balance.” 

We do not have it! Not any more in America.  The GOP stands alone and the only alternatives are insignificant options in the shadows.   Get on board, then, and keep them “straight”! – turning away from their drifty toleration of sodomy. 

Buck up, GOP!  Stand for real Truth and Justice.  No backing down.


30 March, 2022

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