Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Biden and “the Church”

Life News reports here https://www.lifenews.com/2022/03/28/joe-bidens-new-budget-cancels-hyde-amendment-forces-americans-to-fund-abortions/ as follows:

“Joe Biden made it official today. For the second year in a row Biden has proposed a budget that would scrap the Hyde Amendment and force Americas to fund killing babies in abortions with their tax dollars.

Biden proposed a federal budget without the Hyde Amendment for the first time since the late 1970s when it was adopted. The Hyde Amendment has saved at least 2.5 million babies from abortion and it enjoys the support of a majority of Americans — including people who support abortion.

However, if Congress approves his budget, thousands of babies will be killed in abortions nationwide and they will be paid for with taxpayer funds.”

Now, the big, lingering, and almost boring question is: “When is ‘the Church’ going to finally get around, if ever, to excommunicating this heretical, apostate son of a bitch?”  Clearly he is a notorious, blatant, wicked disgusting heretic.  So why, with this patent public evidence, is this disgusting apostate not excommunicated?

Just can’t imagine how such a church has the gall to call itself not only a “church” but a “holy church”! 

What’s up, sheep?  Still following leadership that can’t find the balls to do what is patently right to do?!?!?!?


29 March, 2022

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