Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Good Riddance

Unwanted Toys

Thanks be to God for the lack Of reproduction among those hacks Who renounce that life of the unborn And prefer that he be torn From a woman on her back Suffering under terrible lies: That a baby’s worth is a matter of size! Let them contracept themselves away! The fewer of them in the […]

George Floyd was a Thug

https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/01/the-dojs-civil-rights-case-in-george-floyds-killing-how-race-factors-in/ He brought about his own death by resisting arrest. To judge otherwise is to condone anarchy. Yeah. That’s right. 25 January, 2022. (Sorry to have been so tardily derelict in pontificating on the matter. ) George Floyd was a thug exploited by his anarchistic advocates who are playing the “race card” as a means […]


How free? Are you free to save babies?   Or does SCOTUS BS prevent you from carrying out that simple, basic duty?  Are you ruled by the “opinions” of men in black robes who fancy themselves tyrannical proclaimers of decrees?  Do you make their dreams real by you base submission? Why remain in bondage stupid, wicked […]

Time for Rejoicing!

“Ken Peters, a pro-life advocate and pastor of Patriot Church in Lenoir City, said Christians would never commit arson or any other crime, even against a facility that aborts unborn babies.” O come, now, Pastor Peters!  Get your doctrine straight!  The saving of an innocent life justifies the destruction of property in order accomplish the […]

2 Chron 26

(20 Dec., 2021) Uzziah was strong and full of pride;Thought he could go where the priests abide,Right into that holy sanctuary!Oh!  He was quite contrary!Azariah, the priest, came in after him;Said, “Just who do you think you are?” (18)Got smitten real good with the leprosy (19)And stayed that way ’til the day he died. (21)Fool […]

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