Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Dumpers, Shakers, and Terminators 6/13/2006

Can’t make any moral sense of the Lawless authorities in this land.  On Friday, 9 June, 2006, 22-year-old Amber Swain was tried in court for murder, near Dayton, Ohio, 20 miles from my house.  She shook her six-month-old daughter to death.  Seems the child’s head hit something in the process.  Clark County Judge Douglas Rastatter sentenced her to life in prison with parole eligibility at 15 years after a jury deliberated for five hours before finding Amber Swain guilty of involuntary manslaughter and murder.

On the same day of the trial, I got a call from the Washington Post inquiring after any acquaintance I might have with one Robert Weiler who was arrested that day –  within 20 miles of my former residence in Maryland. Weiler  was “charged with building a pipe bomb he allegedly wanted to use to attack” a Greenbelt abortuary.  He also announced his intentions to shoot those who butcher babies.  He appeared in federal court yesterday wearing an antiabortion T-shirt on which was written: “Help Cure Abortion” and “ABORTION: The leading cause of death in America” (Washington Post, 13 June).

Two days later, on Sunday, 11 June, A newborn girl was found dead in a trash bin near a home in California.  Authorities reported this on Monday and CBS announced it that day as a “Top Story” in Montebello, California on Channel 2.  The report was quite succint:

The body was discovered Sunday in the the 900 block of West Olympic Boulevard, according to the Montebello Police Department.

Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe’s office reported that the girl’s body was found in a trash bin. There was no immediate word on the mother’s identity.

The infant is the fourth dead newborn found in the county this year.

Of the deeds here so closely chronicled it is the last which was the most dastardly done.  And, as satire would have it, this most culpable malefactor is the one who escapes justice.  Yet, this efficient, low cost method of discarding a child is perhaps the most honest and true to the spirit of the Roe doctrine: “My body, my rights, my choice!”   Simply and swiftly discard the child with as little hindrance to personal peace as possible.  No need to suffer the expense and inconvenience of surgical and sanitary disposal of the child.  Just toss him into the trash in that old Romanesque fashion known as “exposure.”  Let the dogs or rats have their food!

The one who suffers a life sentence for accidentally, maybe even carelessly for a moment, murdering her own child could have escaped all this misery had she just snuffed out the life of the nuisance child while “it” was still on the other side of her belly.  She simply exercised her right to abort too doggone late.

The one who will suffer the most is the one who acted least selfishly.  He will do more prison time than the one who murdered her child accidently or those thousands who butcher their own children daily under the approval and aid of the U.S. government through its financial support of Planned Parenthood.

But here is what a closer stab at justice would look like: 1) Holocaust producing federal judges who have perverted the laws of the land are rounded up by an ad hoc convention of state authortities and publicly drawn and quartered; the charges: treason, violation of Constitutional oath of office, conspiracy to murder, 2)  Amber Swain is publicly flogged for her careless handling the life of her child and immediately released from prison, 3) Robert Weiler and all other prisoners for righteousness sake are offered apologies in behalf of the renegade, deposed government by the restored American republic.

Until that Day,

Michael Bray

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