Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Be “Positive and Encouraging”

Be “Positive and Encouraging”
Toward those doing time in jail
For saving babies from that travail
To their bodies that “providers” supplied
Joining those who have lied,
Calling the child of God a “tissue,”
Treating the murder of children as an “issue.”
Yes, we must recognize, acknowledge,
And ever praise those jailed
Who ought to have been hailed!
Buck up, Christian radio and Church!
Don’t be sissies seeking popularity!
Proclaim the truth heartily!
Defend and honor the martyrs for the Lord.
Don’t play to be the popularity of the horde.
Sometimes proclamation of the Truth is unpopular.
What is holiness but separation!
When we walk as Christians together
As a holy association of Christ-followers
Who gather regularly to worship the risen Jesus,
We separate ourselves from those
Who walk in sin: abortionists, fornicators, sodomists,
Thieves and liars.  Yes, those who walk contrarily are
Rinos and Chinos and a whole lot of nasty Democrats.

8 Dec., 2023

(“Chinos”= Christians in Name Only)

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