Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Why Devotion to the Church?

The primary purpose of the Christian
Is the glory of God.
The primary means of His glorification,
Ordained by God, is the Church!
So the edification of the Church is
Top priority for the Christian.
Strengthen the Church and, as a member,
Do right! Seek justice.  Serve the weak.
Don’t sit on your duff and praise Him
From your chair or “commune” on line
In lieu of the gathering!
Serve Him with works: the love of the brethren
And the unadulterated proclamation of the Gospel.
Maintain church discipline so that His name
Is not disgraced my the membership of malefactors,
But is a cause of commendation and praise by observers.
Make it what it is supposed to be: the Saints of God.

4 Dec., 2023

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