Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Givin’ It a Think

Someday we’ll look down upon baby killing
By abortion the same way we now look upon slavery.
O what wicked, child-murdering knavery!
Got no room in your house or your heart?
Gonna treat that baby worse than a fart?
What sickos we easily become
Listening to that “freedom” refrain!
Your decadence can be a real menace;
That’s why the Lord put up a fence
For us humans so we could know
What is good for life to help us grow.
The time is coming; the brain will be revived;
Yeah, those babies in the womb are alive!
(In the morn I give it a think
And almost with a simple wink
A song and poem come to mind;
It’s up and back to the grind.
Got to pen those thoughts right now!
Can’t let ’em fly away somehow!
So, thank God for a pen and some ink;
Those little tools help us to think
And to put those thoughts to the pen;
Then back to prayin’ and thinkin’ again.)

A.m. on 19 Feb., 2023

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