Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Of Racists, Nazis, and . . .

Advocates for Life
Winter, 1992

Clintonistas have been regularly criticized and even severely upbraided by conservative pundits since the beginning of the ‘92 campaign. The leader of these New Democrats has been vilified by his political opponents as a socialist, treasonous, draft-dodging, dope-smoking, Sodomite-stroking adulterer. One of his paramours even claims to have aborted his child with his blessing (upon the abortion). The President has responded decisively, charging his detractors with intolerance, hate-speech, terrorism, monogamy and insensitivity. On top of all of this, he has been unable to bond with his prolife constituents. It is important for the body politic that we find some way to ease the tension and build bridges of communication. The nation needs to be united as a People so that it can face the many world challenges that Ecosystem has destined it to take a leadership role in. How else shall it send its sons into Bosnia to join hands with Muslims in the killing of Christian Serbs, for example? As peacemakers, we Christians can help to bring healing by toning down the language and eliminating hate speech as we dialogue with those with whom we disagree.

Now, as everyone knows, the personal Presidential flaws mentioned above scratch only the surface. And, admittedly, these are not characteristics citizens normally like to see manifested in their Commander in Chief. But hey, this is the nineties! The campaign theme was “change.” And it was not the fault of our elected President of the United States if the people didn’t ask him what kind of change he was talking about. It was the fault of the stupid People. And we, the People, must love our enemies – even our domestic ones – and stop all the criticism, hate speech, etc. It is important for us Americans to respect the office even when the office holder – subject as we all are to human error – commits a few peccadilloes and even a large number of big sins.

I find that the easiest way to keep from getting all upset with the big faults is to concentrate on the little ones. Take President Clinton’s racism, for example. He is not as great a racist as others. He was a member of an all-white country club with his Arkansas cronies while he was the Governor. And he put his daughter in the elitist Sidwell school with its disproportionate black to white ratio when he came to D.C. And he supports the racist “affirmative action” policies which treat black people as stupid incompetents who can’t get a job without a rich Uncle Sam. And he has had good fellowship with Klansmen-turned-Congressmen Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Howell Heflin of Alabama. But he is not master Simon Legree. And neither President Clinton nor these ex-Klansmen took up whips and did any killing that we know of.

Or take for another example the socialism which the Clintonistas want to advance, as best illustrated by Lady Hillary’s attempt to impose “national health care” upon the People. Sure, the Nazis were also socialists (recall that n-a-z-i are the first four letters of the German Nazionalsozialist Workers’ Party). The National Socialists advocated a strong centralized government, as do our own socialists in Congress and as did the socialists of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. And yet not all Nazis were as wicked as Dr. Mengele or Mr. Heinrich Himmler. There were plenty of nice Nazis who meant no harm to anyone; they were just doing their jobs. So it is with many Clintonistas, including the ones who are aggressively pursuing anti-abortion activists. Many of these ATF and FBI agents along with DOJ attorneys are just doing what Miz. Reno told them to do.

Since “Nazi” and “racist” have become veritable synonyms of Satan in our time, it is not fair to use these terms to indicate President Clinton or his comrades. There are nice Nazis as well as nice racists. And there are nice federal agents. Let us give these career civil servants a break. They must make a living. Just want to put in that 20 and get a government pension. Nothing personal against prolifers for most of these folks. Most find no pleasure in helping to send anti-abortionists to jail. Just an assignment.

Let us find a peaceful way to co-exist with one another. We have an idea. How about dividing the nation into at least two sections: one for the heathen, who want to preserve the right to destroy their offspring; another for those sinners who have seen the way of death, renounced it, and want to live under the just laws of God.

Otherwise, up the revolution.

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