Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Buchanan: Disestablishing Statism

Capitol Area Christian News
Spring, 1996

One could expect the shunning of Pat Buchanan, the outsider, by insiders. The GOP political establishment shudders to think that the “unelectable” Buchanan might gain the nomination and lead the party to defeat against Clinton. A reasonable concern. But big wigs in the party played dirty with their fears. Bennett ran to Alexander and Graham embraced Dole, both proclaiming respectively that Buchanan “flirts with fascism” and admits “racists and anti-Semites” into his campaign. The “race card” is that trump which the leftists play whenever they think it advantageous. Sadly, it became a dirty trick used in the internecine struggle for the nomination.

We noted with regret Wesley Pruden’s comments on the matter in the Washington Times (16 Feb.), in which he admonished Buchanan to purge himself of all racist connections. As with any “revolution,” diverse factions will cross paths as they oppose the tyrant they have in common. And this fact of history is difficult to avoid. One need not look all the way back to, say, the Russian Revolution with its mutually hostile Mensheviks, Bolsheviks, or Trudoviks. Our own Civil Rights movement leader, Martin Luther King, had his associations with communists and racists. A common oppressor brings those commonly oppressed together. And there is a common oppressor today. The Russians had their Czar Nicholas. Black Americans had their Jim Crow laws. And the oppressor of Americans of all colors today is increasingly recognized by many to be their very own federal government. As Republican Rep. Tom Coburn stated in opposition to the intrusive anti-terrorism legislation in March, “There’s a far greater fear that’s present in this country – that is a fear of our own government.”

It can be expected that coalitions of diverse groups will join together to reduce the strength of the central government in order to allow for the local governments to pursue their own happiness as the people deem fit. Maybe Marylanders like their legalized abortion, while Texans do not. Maybe folks would be willing to migrate to a state where the laws uphold their “core beliefs.” It is difficult to imagine the KKK and the Nation of Islam joining together to force the feds to allow themselves to live as separate races, but Klan leader Tom Metzger made such a gesture to Farrakhan a decade ago after the latter recommended dividing the states up according to race. Or how about a coalition of Muslims and Christians calling for the federal government to back off its pro-abortion activism? We have already witnessed Sun Myung Moon making inroads with the likes of CWA associate Tim LaHay in forming political action networks – also, a decade ago. And this year the Center for Judeo-Christian Values in America was spawned from a 13-year-old organization known as the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.

If Moonies and Christians can work together against communism; conceivably a coalition of Muslims and Christians could be formed on the basis of a common loathing of atheistic government. Even though each despises the other’s fundamental doctrines concerning the deity of Jesus, both have a moral and legal code much more in common than either have with the present Godless federal government.

The Christian Identity Movement (to which Pruden imagines to connect Buchanan via Larry Pratt and one Pete Peters) is certainly heterodox (http://www.buyingofthepresident.org/index.php/archives/reports/655/) . Like Armstrong’s World Wide Church of God it espouses a pseudo-history of the progeny of Israel’s tribes and a heretical view of certain national covenants – together known by students of religion as British-Israelism. The doctrine revisits speculation concerning the “lost tribes of Israel” which was quite popular even among our forefathers, including Ben Franklin. One of our own home-grown religious groups which promulgating this doctrine – and which added a few other heresies (racist and otherwise) – is the Mormons. It is sad that these false teachings have been embraced by anyone; sadder still that they are upheld by political leaders like Orrin Hatch. But everyone is accustomed to Mormons who have assimilated themselves to American culture. (Most have gradually abandoned the original Mormon doctrines which espoused polygamy and racism and have embraced revised “revelation.”)

Mr. Pruden says that “it’s fair to judge a man by the company he keeps” and proceeds to admonish Buchanan for allowing such folks to associate with his campaign. But what shall we say, then, about the disgusting associates of our government leaders? Do our Congressmen associate with known adulterers, sodomites, and promoters of child-slaughter? Does association with communist Congressman Ron Dellums impugn the character of all Congressmen? Does association with sodomite Congressmen Frank and Studds defile the rest of Congress? Arguably so, according to Mr. Pruden’s standard. We look forward to seeing him apply it consistently. But, somehow, being a racist is worse than being an advocate for the right to commit sodomy or feticide. So we don’t hear Mr. Pruden calling for Clinton to renounce his associations with Mr. Frank until he (Frank) forswears sex with young male congressional pages.

The hypocrisy in the whole matter was egregiously displayed; while it would be repugnant to call upon the support of either racists (as Buchanan did not) or sodomites (as did and does Bill Clinton), it is Buchanan who gets all the blame that Clinton ought to have. So Buchanan is falsely accused of courting the baser elements and Clinton escapes the criticism he deserves. (What was that bull about Reagan and teflon?)

Dole is another Bush. Much better than Clinton, but that just doesn’t say much. Yes, he gives a little lip service to the fundamental issues of law and morality when it seems politically doable. In the long run, the recently poured political foundations of our atheistic federal authorities need to be jack-hammered. Buchanan is the man for this. Whether as President in ’96 or 2000, or as the hammer used to forge a new party, he needs to be supported. Whether by secession or reform, a return to Law and Justice must be the goal. And that goal cannot be accomplished without a radical shift from the present atheistic, ACLU-type, judicial oligarchy to legal affirmation of transcendent law, viz. the Law of God – as was the case with the colonies.

Mr. Buchanan, you need not be intimidated by the mud that the self-righteous race-baiters sling at you. Hold your ground and return the fire. Call them what they are: baby-killing, race-baiting, fornicating, communist, God-hating sodomites. Keep your head high and press on.

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