Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

A Plea for Toleration

Prepared for Life Advocate, April, 1996 issue

The budget is tight these days. And since most of our friends are avid readers of Life Advocate magazine, it seemed good unto us to slip in a pre-birth announcement – or better, a conception news brief – to save a few bucks. So here it is – an all-expense-paid-by-AFLM announcement that Jayne Bray is due with number NINE in November. Now, we know this is no boast to the likes of a Charlie Wysong (14) or Michael Hirsh (10), but this makes us big cheeses among run-o’er-the-mill, anti-abortion extremists. And while we do enjoy the prestige and stature this brood brings, we are gratified to serve the church of God by taking some pressure off those weaker brethren who are discomfited by neighbors staring in awe at them when they appear in public with a mere four or five products of conception.

Folks, this month I want to discourse on toleration of rightist by us extremists. As you know, things just aren’t what they used to be. President John Tyler, for example, had 14 (fourteen) products of conception, and he was not an irregular guy. The current White House occupant has followed a one child and (at least) one abortion policy. He had his product of adultery put to death by paramour Jennifer Flowers. And although he is well qualified to be a dictator in China as a fan of the D&X method of crushing babies’ heads; and while he promotes the spread of abortion and sodomy rights all over the world, he is not an extremist. Dope-smoking, murdering, draft-dodging adulterers don’t offend the sensibilities of a people who are greedy enough to purchase the empty promises of tax cuts from such a reprobate. And so he is “left of center” or even “moderate.”

And yet, by Castro’s standard, Clinton is on the right. What, then, is the meaning of “leftist,” “rightist,” “centrist,” and “extremist”? And are there extremists on the left? (Can’t recall hearing about “ultra leftists” or dictators of the “extreme left.”) Joseph Sobran has written about this peculiarity noting that “left” refers simply to socialists/communists. But to the category “right” is affixed every other kind of government and all the contents of Pandora’s box from the Klan to LaRouche to Nazis to Muslim fundamentalists to any dictator to Orthodox Christians, conservative Roman Catholics, and Evangelical Christians. But what is the difference between Hitler and Stalin? A few tens of millions?

It does put those poor unfortunate souls who get the “right” label at a bit of a disadvantage in the propaganda arena. We suggest thinking by means of a different ideographic form: a circle. In the center is the rule of God’s Law. The vectors proceeding from the center to the circle are various forms under which the Law is administered: monarchies, constitutional republics, parliaments, etc., as manifested in the history of the Western world from the time of Constantine the Great to the eighteenth century. Outside the circle are eccentric forms of government grounded in the law of the “People,” anarchists, and false religions.

Ah, but we have digressed into almost wanton dreaming. For purposes of communicating in terms of the Godless spectrum currently in vogue, we shall accept the label “right” or “left.” But we must insist that we not be judged to be in the “center.” For that must needs refer in these Godless days to the rule of Man, the People – pure Democracy without reference to the Law of God at all. God forbid that we should be Godless, ACLU Democrats. No. We long for a Constitutional Republic administered – preferably – democratically. And that constitution must be as our colonial American constitutions were: rooted in the Law of God. But for now we are extremists on the “religious right” and not to be confused with the unspoken “religious left.”

So, USA Today’s Mimi Hall called that week in February when Jim Risen wrote the piece in the LA Times (27 Feb.) concerning the attendance of Mike Farris (HSLDA, former candidate for Lt. Governor of Virginia, and head of the Buchanan campaign in Virginia) at our White Rose Banquet in January. Some media interests were hearkening toward a juicy connection between Buchanan and us extremists via Farris. It would have made another injurious story like the one of a week prior by which Buchanan was smeared with the racist label by a connection between Gun Owners of America’s Larry Pratt and One Pete Peters, a leader of the racialist Christian Identity Movement (the race doctrines which are akin to those of the Mormons and Armstrong’s World Wide Church of God.)

(Does the leftist press care about the more substantial connections between Clinton and Farrakhan, Sodomites, Fornicators and Communists?)

I was happy to report that Mr. Buchanan was well to our left. On the assumption that we qualify for a place on the spectrum as “extremists,” Mr. Buchanan could not be so labeled. He must, therefore, be bumped over and denominated simply a “rightist” or a “conservative” or “protectionist” or “isolationist” – but verily I say unto you, no extremist! (See USA Today, 7 March, 1996)

Indeed, we have heard that Mr. Buchanan calls for the death penalty for murderers and rapists. Amen. But we haven’t heard a call for the execution of abortionists as murders, nor does he call sodomy and witchcraft capital offenses. He is, confound it, a moderate!

But we live in a wicked world, and we are given defective rulers appropriately to rule a most defective population. Let us be thankful for the Lord’s benevolent offer of this man. We must be a tolerant people. How full of grace and truth is he in comparison to the one who presently sits in the oval office. Dethrone the blasphemous fornicator and give us this blessed moderate, Patrick J. Buchanan!

Prepared for Life Advocate, April edition.

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