Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Get a Grip on Yourself, National Review!

National Review, apparently in order to stay cool and welcome in broader political circles, is distancing itself from Trump like other cowardly chumps. “Donald Trump Is Still a Lunatic” writes Charles C. W. Cooke.

Was Hitler legitimate?  Not by any ethical standard.  In the same way, quite simply, Biden is unfit and illegitimate!  (The vote count is not the arbiter of fitness!)

Grab onto that moral fact, Charles!  Beef up your criticism into the realm of the high moral ground from which all useful judgments must be pronounced. Who stands for right (protect the life of innocents)?  And who stands for wrong (slaughtering babies at will in accordance with whatever born-folks deem convenient)?

Gird up those loins, Charles! And stand firmly for what is right and do due diligence to damn those who support the holocaust (Democrats)!

1 Sept., 2022

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