Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The Covered Barbarism of Abortion

Whoever thought that the barbarism of abortion
Could be sold under the cover of “women’s rights”
As if there were no little women victims in the flushing
Away of a child (uh “tissue”)  down the drain of a “clinic”?
What lying perverts are those who would voice such fraud!
And still they give some nod to the possibility that some god
Out there may well approve of such “responsible” liberty!
How sick are such perverts as were those who opposed
Adamantly the release of black folks from American slavery.
Finally the lie under which manstealing was defended
Was that property could be “used” and escapees be apprehended.
Just as they say today: that the real issue is that babies are tissue;
But when convinced that they are people who live, they still issue
The asinine reply with earnest voice: “Well, it’s a woman’s choice!”
Oh, like taking a man or a woman from her African home
And bringing her here your house to clean and hair to comb!?!
Sometimes “choice” overlooks the voice of those being oppressed
Such as when that voice is inside that belly and behind that dress.

1345 on 1 Sept., 2022

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