Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Get Mean to Stay Clean

(Is. 1:16,17; a.m. reading)

If you want to stay clean
You got to get mean
And seek hard for that justice!
Plenty of sin there amongst us;
You got to “Reprove the ruthless
And defend the orphan”;
Those “clinic” doors be stormin’.
Go late at night or early in mornin’;
The wicked have had their warnin’!
Make your plan; put a bomb in hand.
Play music for the heavenly band.
Time has long been gone in this land
For repentance and restitution;
Just ain’t no other solution.
Defense has to do with bustin’ a fence
Getting’ less passive and on the offense.
Got a wall around that butchering room?
Put the keepers down in a tomb!
Got no orphans for you to defend?
On what for truth do you depend?
Don’t see the blood flowin’ down the pipes?
Take a look! Put aside your other gripes.
It’s this blood that needs your attention,
Your forceful action (not to mention).
Take law and justice from your heart
An abortuary bombing is real good start.
Can’t condemn such an activist
Unless you’re a flaming Satanist.

A.m. 0830 on 25 Feb., 2022

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