Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

ACBA (Abortion Clinic Bombers Association)

Join the ACBA today
Teach the nation how to play
With fire the truly right way
Bombin’ abortion clinics day by day.
Said you got to blow ’em up any way!
Think ypu got somethin’ better to do?
What? I’ll give a listen; tell me true!
Tell what beats savin’ the life of a baby!
Vacation or a date with the wife maybe?
Come on!  Don’ be talkin’ crazy;
Judgment comes upon a nation so lazy,
Carryin’ on with endless celebration
Without that holy anticipation
Of that Judgment Day to come
From which many try to run,
Diverting eyes from the flow of blood
From every state!  A real flood!
So you join the CBA today
And you get well on your way
To usher in a brand new day
Got more to do than just say
That we stand “prolife” day after day.
Display today that you believe what you say!
Get a bomb and get a match;
From the threat of death, babies dispatch!

1628 on 19 Dec., 2021

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