Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill


Oh, it’s a wonderful sound!
An abortuary burnin’ to the ground.
No longer is that “facility”
“Oh, what a pity!”
Say some folks quite sick
(Unable to make a good pick
Between Right and what is wrong;
Confused, perhaps smokin’ that bong,
Or blinded by that devil himself,
Who would wife out the image
Found in every little one conceived
By descendants of Adam and Eve.)
Yeah! Let that sound go on!
Until the return of the Son,
Who wraps up all things
And gives His saints those wings
To join the angels and to praise
Him in heaven now and always.

Provided by the Reformed KGB
(King o’ Gas!  B’lie dat!)
Boom!  Got to have a revival!
Necessary for national survival.

1805 on 5 Dec., 2021

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