Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Dems, Like Nazis

Dems, like Nazis, are not that bad!
Do their best to make the world glad,
To rid the land of people unwanted
Raising opinions above Law, vaunted.
Yes, the Court with corrupt Opinion
Is lifted over Moses and the Lord Himself!
They throw the Big Ten off the shelf!
And what are the deserts of such perverts?
Well certainly some time in hell,
A proper home from them to dwell,
To do some time where one cannot repine,
But on sorrow and misery destined to dine.
Yes, ’tis a place they need to go right quick.
This nation’s getting might sick!
Got this jerk in power called Biden
Hates the law and with the devil sidin’

12:02 on 19 April, 2021

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