Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Go Skins!

You cheer for the bombers
Like you cheer for the Orioles
Or maybe you like those Skins
(Football is your game).
Yeah, “Go bombers!” you gotta say.
‘Cause at the end of the day
(Said, When it’s all over)
The heads of those babies mean more
Than those Skins crossing the goal line.
O, “Skins” is out?  Too offensive?
O yeah, we got to be sensitive!
Got to watch what we say all day
(And what was that about blood?)
O forget that talk about babies,
Got games to watch with the ladies
Go Skins! (What do they call them now?)
Anyway, got no time to talk about
All that blood and gore – and the poor
Gimme that TV – that idol.
Sure beats readin’ the Bible

1755 on 11 Jan., 2021

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