Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

What’s Worse?

What’s worse? Pro-choice
Slave holding Confederates
Or pro-choice baby-killing Democrats?
(Sorry, Southerners to make this equation
No personal insult is intended
But for the sake of argument
It is recommended.)
The choice to buy and sell a slave
Was a right once commended.
All of course depended
Upon the value of a human.
Some were deemed less so
Than others, black folks
Getting the short end of the stick
So to speak as the babies get one,
These days right through the heart,
The sharp end of a “tool.”
Not pretty and not cool
For the little one inside
Who will never get to ride that slide.
The “doc” does his thing with his knife
Cutting off that child from life.
Yeah, all in the name of  “reproductive health”
He gets it done and needs no stealth.
Does it right in the open, ads in those pages
Of yellow that show none of the red
Blood that flows daily from thousands.

10 Nov., 2020

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