Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Who You Momma?

Who you Momma?
Your Mom is the one
Who looks after your life.
Like a wife
She cares for you over all.
She is the one who brought
You into the world and sought
To make you all you might be.
Oh that you could see
What a wonder she be!
There will come a day
When she will go away
Never to be seen again
That place in the ground
Where no children will hound
Her for this or that.
Oh but her man will cry!
Just want to die!
Who now will pay the rent?
All the money was spent!
Ah, but the One who made us,
That One in Whom ever we trust,
Will take us through it all.
We’ll dance at that heavenly ball

0900 on 13 May, 2020

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