Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Pastor Kent Hovind – Still in Jail

Posted 19 February, 2015

Does the Church of God need to ask the government for exemption from taxes?  Does the government recognize God?  Does it honor His Law?  Does it recognize His Church? 

Read about the case of Kent Hovind here: http://freekenthovind.com/kent-hovinds-case/

And here: http://cowgernation.com/2015/01/31/free-kent-hovind-imprisoned-8-years-now-facing-new-trial-for-bogus-charges-with-a-biased-anti-christian-judge-presiding/

Check out some 501c3 myths here: http://hushmoney.org/501c3-myths.htm

And a Forbes article here:


A quick review of IRS Publication 78 (an annual list all 501c3 organizations) reveals that many thousands of 501c3s are, morally and truthfully, rather skewed. 

  • Satanists
  • Wiccans
  • Sodomites
  • Pedophiles
  • Pornographers
  • Pro-Aborts
  • Pagans
  • Atheists

So Pastor Hovind, a preacher of the Law and righteousness, informed the government that he was the pastor of a church/ministry teaching about God the Creator (the Biblical God) and that those working in the ministry were missionaries.  They were missionaries (God’s pastors) more that any one of the workers in any of the variety of miscreants on the list above.  Donations (offerings) were given by Christians who supported his ministry (more a “church” that those above).

So now, as he is about to be released after 8 years, the feds want to put him away for life with more charges.  Who are these bastards?


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