Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Presidential Election (CACN Sep 1992)

9 Feb., 2015

The lead article derides candidates Clinton and Gore with quotes from their former “stands” against abortion:

Governor Clinton said: “I am opposed to abortion and to government funding of abortions” in writing to Earlene Windsor or Arkansas Right to Life on Sept. 26, 1986.

More recently on July 14, 1991, addressing the National Women’s Political Caucus in Washington, he came out in support of Roe v. Wade for the first time.

A year later after the Pennsylvania decision came down he opposed its middlegroundness, declaring “I have believed in the rule of Roe v. Wade for 20 years since I used to teach it in law school.” (p. 1)

So here is question for the moralist:  Which person ought one to hold in higher disdain?  The one who is most immoral in his person or the one who holds to doctrines of a higher degree of corruption?  To incarnate the question, who is worse, Clinton or Obama?  The former is the most corrupt in his person, the latter holds unabashedly to decriminalized abortion and sodomy as well as communism.

Anyway, the lead article probes the subject of “culture war,” the proposition that the “culture” war is really a religious war between earth worshippers and those who worship God and, therefore, honor and advocate for his Law.

The proper role of government under God is discussed in “Jurisdiction: God, the State, and You” (p. 2)

In “Area Reports” (p. 3). Cheryl Richardson reports on picketing the home of an abortionist in Severna Park. A report is also given on Project Rescue’s blockade of an abortuary on Riggs Road by Christian youth.

Hillview abortuary closes; Gannett’s Committee Against Radical Abortion Laws opposes SB 162, the design of which was to remove legal obstacles to late term (after 26 weeks) abortions.

Update on federal injunctions of which there were three, in particular Bray v. Alexandria, which was taken to the Supremes (p. 4)

We defend our criticism of the churches (“Statement of Editorial Policy”) in which high profile pro-abort politicians have been retained as members  in good standing (p. 5).

In “Radical Fringe” news we track some of the  “Prolife” criticism of the Morgentaler abortuary (Canada) demolition and degrade it.  The destruction of a “clinic”  was not at all the case, we aver.  Said “clinic” was really just a product of construction (p. 6).

We report on other demolitions in Redding, California; Toledo, Ohio; and Portland, Oregon.

AIDS study by CDC is perverted by redefining “heterosexual transmission” and thus fixing the numbers to divert resources to AIDS rather than other disease research (p. 8).

“Looking for a Few Good Churches.” We not the paucity of Protestant churches sounding a voice for the innocents.  Our Roman Catholics are most faithful in this responsibility (p. 8)

Advertisement for “Execute Murderers/Abortionists” bumper stickers (p. 8)

$19 million in fed money for study of cow flatulence (p. 8)

We commend Life Advocate magazine, the best monthly report on national news about the rescue (the womb child) movement (p. 11).

In “Framing the Issue” (p. 11) we argue that abortion need not be argued as a point of “liberty.”  Rather, it is a genocide issue or a race issue. We need not stay inside the box which the women’s libbers constructed: “Women’s rights.”


1. Anti-abortionists picketing outside home of Abortionist Julio Novao – every Wednesday (p. 3)

2. Jay Sekulow (in D.C. for Sub-committee meeting in D.C. on HR 1703) along with two students from Reformation Christian School (p. 4)

3. Four students from RCS plus teacher, Bray (p. 5)

4. Cover of Life Advocate magazine featuring arrest outside abortuary (p. 6)

5. Crowd of picketers outside PP at Howard St. in Baltimore (p. 7)

6. Half-dozen youths sitting in front of doorway to Hyattsville abortuary (p. 8)

6. Life Chain organizers, threatened by Judge Oberdorfer with an injunction (p. 11)


CACN Sept 1992

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