Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

July, 2022

Annapolis: A Fond Recollection

There are those events in everyone’s life, one may suppose, which are fondly and, perhaps, proudly recalled.   And so we do call them to mind from time to time to delight our souls.  There is one, accordingly, which I would recount on this particular morning as I reflected once again upon it.  It was the […]

On the Reception of Children

The pics on the wall are eleven; They testify to the Lord of heaven, Who gave each one of them to us. Ours was in Him to trust As He brought them into being From our praying to our seeing. Oh we prayed not for them to come (We were happy to drink that rum); […]

Justice and Mercy at Once

Love existed eternally in the past. Love – the Father, Son, and Spirit – Needed nothing else to love. He is love itself and ruled all above And below and everywhere to know, And there was no where one might go To escape His gaze or presence. This One made the world and man And […]

A Healthy Termination

(That Musical Sound) Whenever an abortionist is terminated And sin from the people is segregated, Rejoice in the triumph of justice, The victory of truth among us! When the blood of the innocents is spared By that musical sound of the bard Playing on the trigger of a gun Sending those murderers on the run, […]

Hope 100

My Local Christian Station (when I’m not listening to classical) When things go wrong and life is fierce Check Hope 100 and Julie Pierce Got a song for you and a Word that’s true Telling you He’s not through with you. Get that music in your brain Helps keep you straight and sane. Life is good […]

A CRS Sitiation!

It’s a CRS sitiation; Ya know I Cain’t Remember Sheeit. Got to do what I can t’ git ‘er done, But it’s hard without nary a wit! So I do what I can when I can And when I think it’s done, it’s done. Ain’t no other way to say it; It’s just that I […]

A Good Conversation

(Jim and Sam have a talk.  Sam gets it right!) “What ‘cha doing Jim?” “Just drinkin’ my gin. Actin’ like a jerk; Sent the wife off to work, Findin’ in life every perk. When things go slow Go to the One in the know Chat with that Man above All about that heavenly love. And […]

A Friendship

A friendship takes a minimum of two; A fellowship, perhaps, at least three. So it is with the holy Trinity. From eternity they knew each other The three in love all together. ‘Twas a long time before the world And finally bringing man on the scene. The eternal God of the universe lives As He […]

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